Living Water Church/Церковь Живая вода
Charismatic Pentecostal
Living Water Church is a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that exact same freedom. The big idea behind our community is that every woman, man, girl and boy—every age, every race—would find a home in God. A home where they belong. Welcome home.
Service Language | Мова служби
English | англійська
Russian | російський
At Church | У Церкві
Bible School | Біблійна школа
Child Care | Догляд за дітьми
Choir | Хор
Coffee Shop | Кав'ярня
English Classes | Уроки англійської мови
Home group | Домашня група
Kids Choir | Дитячий хор
Sunday School | Недільна школа